Totemize Indigo theme
First stab at making a clean new theme for Totem. This MR just makes the Indigo theme look a bit like Totem without doing too many changes. Next steps should include:
- Deciding how important we find it to keep the look exactly as it was with the RG theme
- Including translation for the few currently English strings in this theme (mostly in index_override.html)
- Other fixes yet to be determined.
For context:
I have basically copied some stuff from the Totem theme made by RaccoonGang to the Indigo theme. The indigo theme, I think, is a better basis for us because it overrides almost nothing from the edX basis, whereas RaccoonGang maintains a copy of many edx-platform HTML files in their repo. Maintaining the theme they made would mean regularly checking if they made updates to it and merging that into our repository. I think maintenance efffort for a theme based on Indigo would be way lower. In that spirit, I would like to make edX "look like totem" without making too many changes to the edX original theme, so we don't have to port updates to the edx-platform HTML files to our theme repo. The advantage of using "Indigo" as a basis instead of the edx-bootstrap theme, is that it includes a script that integrates seamlessly with Tutor.